

Over the next couple of days there could be some weird things going on with the comments. There is a new upgraded Facebook comments plugin which I would like to implement.. I have it half working on some test pages but so far I am having some issues getting it to work with old posts. Since there are somewhere between 15-20k comments already posted on this site that wouldn't be the optimal solution. I am researching ways to make both systems work together. Facebook claims they do but so far no such luck. So while I am trying things using my favorite test method (trial and error) there could be some glitches with the current comments system. I noticed earlier when I was changing some settings I had to log out of facebook, then back in to be able to post comments.

I will try to have everything all working with as few issues as possible.

Couple of features to look forward to are threaded comments (will optimize everyone's ability to bitch at each other). And comment popularity features will (in theory) show the best comments at the top. I will do another post explaining all the new features when I finally get it working.


Here is some shameless self promotion as well, if you haven't liked us on facebook yet, here is your chance.


Posted: 3/1/2011 - Views: 48,075 - Votes:0 - Score: -