Evilmilk Update 2-1-14

Evilmilk Update 2-1-14

New responsive design launch.. It's been a while since we made any design changes to the site, but with the ever growing number of visitors who now visit via mobile devices we wanted to try to improve the user experience. For traditional Desktop users (who are still the largest percentage of visitors with 65-70%) the changes to the site design are minimal. Users who visit via mobile or tablet should get a responsive design that automatically fits the the device they are surfing from. This is not a stripped down "mobile" website, but the design itself just responds to the device while still loading a fully functional website.

A Few changes/updates.

-responsive layout for mobile/tablet devices.
-code behind the site rewritten from scratch, improved caching should lead to improved page loading times.
-More sections added to top rated/ Most Viewed sections
-Picdumps are now labeled via thumbs
-a few hate mails added (much less hate mail lately)

We have been around since 2006, and this is only the 2nd "significant" design change. We would appreciate any feedback, and if anyone finds anything that is not working correctly please feel free to email us either using our contact form, or directly to theevilmilk {at} gmail.com. We hope for a smooth transition but with any major update there is always a chance of issues, we will be monitoring the site and make fixes as necesary.

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Posted: 2/1/2014 - Views: 24,617 - Votes:0 - Score: -