Introducing myEvilmilk

Introducing myEvilmilk

Evilmilk has been around since 2006, and since its inception not much has changed. One major redesign was launched around 5 years ago when the site went to a responsive design. But, the interwebs is changing, and it's time we try something new. Today we are launching a new section of the site that we hope will make evilmilk as a whole much more entertaining for all our visitors. , for the most part will not really change, we will still be posting the same as we have for 10+ years now, but here it is.


WTF am I looking at ?

Instead of making an entirely new website, or completely changing all together, we have created a sub section of evilmilk where users can register an account and upload pictures and youtube videos.

Do I need to create an account to browse it?

No, but creating an account will give you extra benefits... viewing NSFW posts, downvoting, uploading content, and registered users upvotes count double. If you have no interest in the new site, you can just ignore all of this and continue browsing as you do now and nothing will change.

What happens to my Disqus account?

You can still use your disqus account to comment, however, when you login to it will automatically use your new account to post comments on both and (when you are logged in). We know it's possible this could be inconvenient to some people who are invested into a particular Disqus account ... We really had no choice on this matter.

Where do I login/register ? We will be adding links to evilmilk as well in the coming days.

New feature on evilmilk

Under every picture on evilmilk you will now see a "Meme this" button. When you click that button (if logged in), you will be able to edit the picture with captions and some basic drawing tools and save them back to I will provide a demo later in this post. This system also works on picdumps for all static images, a button will show up on every picture in the picdump when you hover over it.

More random info.

We have been working on this system for several months now. We know that the new site is not perfect, there are minor flaws and probably some big ones we don't even know about yet. We will be working to resolve bugs as they show up. If we waited for the site to be "perfect" before launching it, we may never get to launch..

Currently in the works.

  • Adding login buttons around evilmilk as well as info about login status
  • Upgraded login page. The login page works, but it will be enhanced in the coming weeks. Remember me checkbox, as well as redirecting you to where you were headed and a login within a popup window.
  • Gif Support
  • Alert system. (alerts when people reply to one of your posts , or make a "meme" out of one of your posts. Private messages etc.
  • User reward system, trophies, contests & giveaways.

Do we expect the launch to be perfect ? Nope.. Consider this an open beta, we will be working constantly to fix any issues that arise. A lot of hard work has been put into the creation of the new site and we hope you like it. Just as with any evilmilk update this one is now accompanied by a yoga pants picdump mixed with some popular blank memes to demo some features of the new system.

A special thank you to the users who emailed in and volunteered to help beta test, you were all a huge help.


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  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
  • MYevilmilk
memesMeme responses


Posted: 7/24/2017 - Views: 14,113 - Votes:47 - Score: 8.0