Myevilmilk Choice Cutsvi

Myevilmilk Choice Cutsvi


To everyone posting these great pictures, thank you. Notification system is partially in place.

You will now get notified when people favorite or post comments on your posts.

Next step will be sending alerts via email to people who are interested, as well as adding alerts for more options like replies to comments.

We know not everyone wants to post content, but go over and vote and comment on the pictures you like. We do hope to have some contests ready in the coming weeks, just working out the details. If anyone ever has any suggestions or request they think would make the site better speak up, we are working hard to make this site as fun as possible. We are still calling it a beta just because we are constantly working on it. But come shitpost with us.

What's Trending ? (Usually nice asses)

memesMeme responses


Posted: 8/17/2017 - Views: 12,023 - Votes:72 - Score: 7.5