Myevilmilk Choice Cutsxxxii

Myevilmilk Choice Cutsxxxii

WTF is ? It is evilmilk's "sister site" where users control the content. You don't need an account to view the pictures, but you can create an account here. With an accont you can submit content, and get some extra perks on the site, including double upvote points and the ability to see all posts, even ones tagged as NSFW. Your newly created account will allow you to comment on both sites.


The "channels" upgrade to the site has now been mostly completed. For users who like the site as it was, you get the site as it was, but in an effort to become something more than just a completely disorganized dump of pictures we have added what we are calling "channels". For now, there are only 3 choices, which are FUN,HOT and POL. We definately would like to add more in the future but we wanted to start small and see what happens. Politics being very polarizing went into its own category and we are planning on adding a quick button to shut off all political posts for users who have no interest in it.

Each channel has it's own tabs for "new" and "trending" content. And leaderboards will be introduced for each channel in the coming days.

We are always trying to improve the site, this upgrade took us a while to get into place, but hopefully it makes the site more organized.

Thanks for all the uploads.





memesMeme responses


Posted: 10/6/2017 - Views: 14,078 - Votes:94 - Score: 8.3