Myevilmilk Choice Cutsxxxvii

Myevilmilk Choice Cutsxxxvii

WTF is ? It is evilmilk's "sister site" where users control the content. You don't need an account to view the pictures, but you can create an account here. With an accont you can submit content, and get some extra perks on the site, including double upvote points and the ability to see all posts, even ones tagged as NSFW. Your newly created account will allow you to comment on both sites.


A shit ton of awesome uploads this week. We do have a bit of an update happening on the site. For various reasons most of which is the hope of securing some sort of half way decent advertising for the site we are going to have to be a little bit tougher with the moderation of posts. The main ad company we work with is ok with risque content to a point. There are no definitive rules, but we will not allow posts that show bare asses, or nipples anymore. Most of the posts that are on the site are fine, we will not be gutting all sexy girl pictures, we are just going to be blocking certain ones, especially anything with implied nudity, or bare butts, nipples, etc.. you get the point. About 80% of the sexy content submitted so far is going to be fine under the new moderation, so this is not going to effect all that much. In a perfect world we wouldn't care about advertising. But with the plan being to add GIF's and in the future videos as well, we need to have some sort of return coming back in. We will need to upgrade out hosting to include a CDN for the extra bandwith to host gifs. We are going to try to roll out some more specific rules for posting, but please be advised we will be moderating a little tighter than in the past. Thanks!

Have a great weekend. 

memesMeme responses


Posted: 10/20/2017 - Views: 13,453 - Votes:97 - Score: 8.3